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03 November 2016

"The Murphy Bill?" (P.o.t.D. 11/3/16)

A chance encounter,
And my head's spinning...

There's a Murphy Bill in Congress,
Full of some lengthy legalese;
But this bad bill was boiled down,
Upon allpoetry.com,
To indicate drugs and treatments
Will be forced on mentally ill...

A second site, linked from the poem,
(Blogs written by a bipolar?)
Tells us all that this bill only
Has support from the families
Of the mentally ill, and yet
Has no support from the same ill.

Trying to read the legalese
And its jargon clouds the issues
So, I write the following "poem"
Hoping for some help with all these
Conflicting camps of interest...

"My first thoughts are that
This bill reacts to the guns
Used horribly now -

Yet Orwell rises,
As I think of force-fed pills,
Medicated crowds

All lock-step marching
To feed Big Pharm and doctors
Who lack compassion."

That is my knee-jerk reaction,
From what I have perused thus far,
Thinking about 1800's...
When mentally ill were locked up,
Secured there to be forgotten.

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