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12 November 2016

"Start with Purple" (P.o.t.D. 11/12/16)

I will try to wear a safety pin,
For as long as it takes
To feel brave enough
To talk down the hate
And talk with the scared...

As a first step,
I will adorn it with a purple ribbon -
So regal and supporting so much.

Here's a short list of purple's causes,
At least the ones that I feel
That I can relate to:

Celebrating military kids,
Like my mom's siblings...

Three forms of cancer,
Like the pancreatic my friend has,
The testicular that Movember highlights,
And the gynecological -
Possibly seen in the dehumanizing abuses
That women must face daily...

Purple also pushes back against
Bullying, and hopes to prevent suicides -
Reminding us to remember teens
Who were stigmatized for their orientations...

While we're at it,
Remember that purple wants to protect
Victims of domestic violence...

Let's also raise a violet flag half-mast
To remember those lost to drug overdoses...

Some other illnesses include
Migraines, lupus, fibromalgia, and Alzheimer's -
Which can all tear away at the soul...

One last bit from Wikipedia,
Tells me purple is for Worker's Memorial Days...

So, with heavy heart,
I will start wearing purple,
Wishing for a peaceful world
Where the combated ills were no more...

It's not a plain safety pin,
As I don't know if I can shoulder that burden,
But could it be baby steps
For me and other privileged white men?

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