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05 November 2016

"Tarot Unfolding" (P.o.t.D. 11/5/16)

Like some ticking time bomb,
Counting down with loaded images,
My mind played out the Tarot scenes:

Ten of Pentacles,
A fulfillment of wealth...

Nine of Swords -
Was pain, but was it
Physical or Mental?

Eight of Wands...
And I picture the strife scene,
But was it remembered incorrectly?

Ah, but Seven of Cups,
Reaching for delusions,
Lost in a fantasy of wealth...

Why did the cards root themselves
In the caverns of my mind?
What truths paranormal
Are crowding into my sight?
How is my subconscious trying
To warn me of future plight?

...or was it all some ploy
to short-circuit a share,
to make connections
with other mystics
who may be out there?

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