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06 November 2016

"As I watch..." P.o.t.D. 11/6/16

As I watch waves of anger boil up...
As the radio plays Vangelis' "Light and Shadow"...

This poem begins to meander,
Weaving round the road ahead
Like a drunk driver, instead
Of going down a worn smooth tread.

As I watch the angry debates unfold
Between Democratic daughter and Christian father...

I wonder about many family's relations,
About all their debates on the nation,
And how love stokes the flames
Into lower and lower elevations?

As I watch anger sweep the media...
The radio now plays Desplat's "Canto at Gabelmeister's Peak"...

Everyone fighting, just to be heard,
Interrupting, stepping on each others' word -
Can't we return to that peaceful scene
When upon the podium landed a bird?

As I watch, anger poisons my sight,
And queue Morricone's "L'Arena"...

I wish to retreat, and hide from the turmoil,
In the hopes that my blood does not boil,
Or the stress leads to an early grave,
Where my tortured mind rests in the soil.

...and queue Philip Glass, "Mosque and Temple" from "Powaqqatsi"
...and all these first world problems are swept aside,
As I think that I should be grateful
For food, shelter, and love
And yet anger lurks,
Waiting to seize upon our differences -
Ah, the cultural divides. *sigh*

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