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08 February 2019

I felt so isolated today;
And, even now, I still feel that way...
It stirs up all sorts of fears...
...that I'll trip on my wanderlust,
And get horribly lost.
...or, thinking I will be alone forever,
I'll opt to opt out,
To end it all,
To avoid a prolonged misery of invisibility.
"Sorry, Dad, it's not a happy poem, yet..."
...just let me choke on my pride
and wallow in my piss pool of regrets..
Considering the isolating cause of my distress,
This IS my pitiful cry out for attention,
In the hopes that it will stave off my duress.
But I'll probably half-heartedly cry myself to sleep,
Shooting astral daggers at all, while I weep,
With the thoughts stirred up in my mind's dungeons,
"Fuck Facebook and all its false views of friendship..."

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