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05 February 2019

May this be happy,
And may it be peaceful...
That the fury and futility subside;
In hopes that life becomes joyful.
It is hard to deny that the fears gnaw upon my bones;
And a challenge to spy gathered birds and bees, not alone.
I am grateful for...
Loving friends and family,
Relative peace in the city;
A cupboard that is not empty;
The company of pets
To bring me back to here and now...
I have some regrets,
Some words harshly spoken,
Lashing out at the world
When fear gripped my throat,
And made me weep for my uncertain future...
Yet, that fear...?
It's the fear of losing something we have, no?
Or is it karma's bitter reminder
That we will receive that which we have sewn?
I must try to sleep, now;
As an early morning approaches -
Beginning a new job,
And continuing an old one;
With the later evening spent
Over board games with friends.
May the sleep be restful,
May the dreams flow from the gate of truth,
And may tomorrow bring us all
Some small measure that life's joys
Are in our pudding's proof..?
Have I had enough meat, yet?

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