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10 February 2021

10 Feb 2011

 On empathy and 'identification':

I am not a doctor. So, I must remember that, based on your external symptoms, I am not at liberty to diagnose your internal condition(s). So, I can not peg you as bipolar, or paranoid, or OCD, or alcoholic, or . . . even though your symptoms seem to be matching my own.
Damned if I don't try, though...
Pondering... "How whole is my soul? How full is my life? How do I make the best use of my talents, and what are my deficiencies that I can start to address?"
...will let this bubble and boil in my brain, and you might be seeing a note / blog-pointer here later today, after the percolation subsides...
...or, scatter-brained that I can be, you might not.

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