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12 February 2021

High School Memories - 12 Feb 2009

 High School Memories.. (Tag-chain)

High School Questions

Share the facebook spam way - tag 25 people including the person who tagged you... ;P

1. Did you date someone from your school?

On graduation night, I started dating Jessi Parker, and the relationship lasted about a month. At the same time, I was contacted by Lori Villarreal, a lady in Tivoli, TX who remembered me from student council camp the summer before - we spent several months writing long letters back and forth to each other and actually met up a couple of years later at UIL State One-Act Play competition.
Now, I did have lots of fantasies all through high school, and middle school, and even elementary... You know - the cheerleaders, the ladies in my catechism class, some of the ladies who went to the math contests, Ms. Ackerman... :D

2. Did you marry someone from your high school?
I haven't married anyone yet. I've been lucky when my relationships lasted three months. I still haven't figured THAT one out.. :(

3. Did you car pool to school?
I'd catch rides in with Robert Russell who lived down the street from me. I would also bike on some days, and walk on some days (30 minute walk)...

4. What kind of car did you have?
Mongoose..? Diamondback..? Can't remember what type of bicycle it was... I did learn to drive a little in my dad's VW bug, but mostly in my step-mom's Oldsmobile...

5. What kind of car do you have now?
Capital Metro..? ..or some bike I don't know the brand of.
I actually kind of like not having a car, although it takes a bit more time planning.

6. It's Friday night...where are you? (then)
Maybe the football game. Most weekends, though, a group of us (the Keys, the Beans, the DeMasters, the Fosters, and I think Robert Russell) would get together and watch movies - most often, the movie was either Pink Floyd's "The Wall" or Monty Python's "The Search for the Holy Grail". There was some hard alcohol to be found every once in a while - one of the advantages of having a brother 5 years my elder.

7. It is Friday night...where are you? (now)
Probably at an AA Meeting, with possible get-togethers at a restaurant afterwords...

8. What kind of job did you have in high school?
working as unskilled labor for a house builder one summer (might have been middle school), at Wylie Supermarket another summer as a bagger, at The Wylie News another summer as a photographer/reporter (my second most favorite job of all time), and at McDonald's another summer - which I quit when they wouldn't let me have my birthday off.

9. What kind of job do you do now?
Well, I counted 12 jobs in the last year, many of them temporary in admin/clerical work. Currently, though, I am a Texas Works Advisor II for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which means I'll be trying to fix food stamp and Medicaid applications over the phone, once I get out of training.

10. Were you a party animal?
Noooo... not really... I got caught by my parents in 9th grade after a night out smoking pot (evil influences of my cousin) and run through after-school drug rehab classes, so I laid pretty low through the rest of high school - I could probably count the times I got drunk each year using only my hands. Now, once college came around.. ahem!
11. Were you considered a flirt?
Oh, gosh, no. I was (and still am, to a lesser degree) afraid of "creating friction", i.e. saying something that was taken inappropriately and losing a good friend - we did live in the era when sexual harassment at work found the national spotlight after all...

12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Choir in 9th grade, Drama throughout high school, in bit roles.

13. Were you a nerd?
Let's look at the facts - the school gave me 60+ plaques and the first letter jacket for high achievement in academic competition. I also graduated Salutatorian of the class. My parents also had no idea what to do with the 4 or 5 boxes of trophies picked up over the years from math and science competitions. OH - and I was the President of the Math and Science clubs at some point during high school... and Double OH - I was cast as the school nerd when we did "Grease" as the high school musical.
Nah, I wasn't a nerd, not at all.. ;P
By the way, the letter jacket presentation, the Salutatorian speech, the math/science trip where I got tied up to a seat in the back of the bus -- those were all quite memorable moments for me...

14. Did you get suspended or expelled?

15. Can you sing the fight song?
I could probably sing it a fraction of a beat after everyone else, because I'd "remember" the words then...

16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s) in high school ?
For challenging me to think about stuff - Natale and Wyskup. Natale's grammar lessons were a hoot, and I still remember a lot of the class discussions we had wondering if there's such a thing as unconditional love. Wyskup just had evil tests, and extensive outlines to follow.
For cool field trips and neat exotic animals - Hibbitts.
I liked the fact the Frank (Bruno) was so proactive about math competitions, but I don't remember his classes very well, as I tended to spend the time taking Number Sense tests.
Mrs. Truesdell was cool (I took choir from 7th thru 9th grade), and Mr. Muncy was cool (I saw him a few years later when he brought his new school to state One-Act), and Mrs. Austin was cool - I wonder if she remembers getting me to "pull it together" the hour before "The Boys Next Door"..?

17. Where did you sit during lunch?
I sat with band people the first couple of years, and I think I took advantage of off-campus lunch the last couple of years...

18. What was your school's full name?
Wylie Senior High School

19. When did you graduate?
1990... and boy did that wind blow my cap around. Also, it's kind of funny now, thinking about the torrential downpours following graduation where you couldn't see more than 2 inches past the windshield..

20.What was your school mascot?

21. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
I'm fairly happy with my high school experience. I wish I had dated more, though...

22. Did you have fun at Prom?
I went stag to one of the two proms, and I want to say it was the Junior one that I helped on the planning committee with, so, yeah, it was fun seeing the final product of all that planning. I don't think I got any dances, though, and I know I didn't get any invites to after-parties, so that kind of blew chunks.
I also think it was the Junior prom, because I decided to opt out of a prom to go to UIL State the other year.

23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?
Oh yeah, all the time. Walking down the street, when I'm perplexed by something, or late at night, when I'm lying in bed trying to get sleep... Thankfully, I keep most of the conversations in my head, and I've never answered back... although I have thought about possible conversations with other people, and how they might respond to what I want to say...

24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?
80% certain that I will go - just got to find transportation (recall the car questions)..

25. Do you still talk to people from school?
Only on facebook and myspace - oh wait, Tina Sampica (Chaffin) did call me once over the last year... I am absolutely HORRIBLE with staying in touch with people if they don't live next door to me.

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