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03 December 2016

"Skip, Skip, Slippity Slip" (P.o.t.D. 12/3/16)

Christmas lights flashing?
...or police speeding down the road?

My mind's falling apart,
Like a smacked down garlic clove...

Vogon poetry, I challenge thee!

Skip, skip, and slippity slip -
Grasping at memories,
Like holding water on your fingers.

I just want to be complete,
And I hate living, lacking...
Worried about my next meals,
Putting off getting clothes
From a second-hand store...

Skip, skip, slippity slip -
Life feels like a broken record,
"And all the king's men
Couldn't put him back together, again..."

Is my mind sparking and flashing?
Have my actions become labored,
With way too much of my brain?

Skip, skip, slippity slip -
I like how that phrase rolls
Off the tongue,
Like sweet hot caramel
Hugging an ice cream scoop....

Who are we,
To force our hands,
To help make this make sense?

A night with so little sleep
Leaves me hard-pressed to focus,
To not drift, or skip,
Or perhaps even shout...

I want to be done with today!
I want to sleep deep and dream wild!

But, alas... the hunger gnaws at my flesh,
As if a pound of that
Could satisfy this ravenous poem.

So, first, I write;
Then, I eat,
Then, Gods willing, I get to sleep...

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