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26 December 2016

"Why fight?" (P.o.t.D. 12/26/16)

what do you do with a bully?

you ostracize them,
cast them out of the social circle...

and yet...

what if they redouble their violence?
what if they feel
the only way to get noticed again
is to harm themselves or others?

violence is bizarre -
some would hurt or kill their spouse,
and i don't understand why?

humans are beasts
with beast instincts
to fight
as well as to flight
not all of it is self-defence?

to be ignored
because you create dischord
in another's world view -

and I recall,
"Shake the dust from your sandals
and go to the next city"

and, yet...
the illusion of permanence
has me clinging to the past...

so i can see that a bully
cares somewhat for their glories,
and doesn't see how to change
so they'll fight and fight again.

(or twweet and tweet -
pardon the politics, please...)

or is it,
"I feel hurt,
so I'm going to hurt you"
retribution driving the violence?

"No one respects me;
So I'm going to
force my will upon them?"

No idea, really...
violence is not something I enjoy.

Why do I want to understand anger?
self-defense, maybe?
to know how to diffuse it,
when it becomes directed at me,
or my friends and neighbors?

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