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26 January 2019

"My mind is a dangerous neighborhood" -
A saying that I've often heard,
Sitting in various AA settings...
True, my mind thinks that getting more
Will just increase my pleasures,
Without regard to the havoc
Set upon my poor over-loaded organs -
Or so much, much more time,
Chasing after that fleeting, ever-fleeting high,
Instead of gritting my teeth
And facing all the fears of mine...
Oh, but the danger is a bit more insidious,
My Brain..?
...it's not satisfied with same, old, same...
It wants continuous affection,
It wants an ego-stroking spotlight
Of epic proportions!
It scoffs and guffaws at the pale painting
Of an ordinary, sunny day
Working in an ordinary brick and mortar,
At an ordinary 9-5 grind of a job...
Remember - my mind wants to be entertained,
And it will go to insane lengths,
Just to lose touch with my reality.
An aside...
"i wonder if they knew,
Back in middle school G/T,
The chaos that would ensue
By having me brainstorm every little thing?"
...and that is how this beleagured brain
Tries to shake off responsibility
And cast far and wide,
All sorts of others to blame.

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