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17 January 2019

I write on Facebook,
Because I want to believe
That someone other than me
Is at least reading these words...
I write, instead of video,
because I want some measure of editorial control...
because my speaking persona is pretty monotone...
because I do not want to try to get fancy?
I do not know, I just hazard guesses
And make excuses
And hope the fallout is not too severe:
"Would be better to write the thoughts,
Instead of acting out on them?"
I want some amount of feedback,
Yet I do not want to be lectured,
Or denigrated and dragged through a wringer...
True story? Back in the 90's,
I hoped for something like social media -
Some means of telling a story once,
And being confidant that most everyone had heard it..
I contrast this with hearing my mom
Tell a holiday story seven times over three days,
With each telling gaining a flourish.
I do not want to recite the same example
Over and over again, like the Pledge of Allegiance -
But instead, a testament to "working X Step"...
Some could make the case
That my "sensitive words" can come back to harm me.
Some could also argue
That the lack of body language and intonation
Can make these phrases backfire horrifically.
Perhaps I am too naive - or gullible,
Too trusting that others will not
Wield what I said against me....
Yet, I try not to single others out,
Not to gossip on celebrities and politicians,
Or even just spoil movies.
Others' lives are others' affairs,
And, at best, I could only give you
My glimpse of how they appear.
Yay. a big old text wall.
a first draft, thrown up,
because i'm now restless at 2 a.m.
after a 3 hour nap.
this is the hedging prologue,
I hope to write something meatier, next

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