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31 January 2019

My motivation has eroded away,
Drained by lonely day after lonely day;
And this winter's horrible, intermittent pay.
Stuck in a virtual tunnel,
Staring down the fear train,
And I've already been spread a mile thin
Across the rusty, overgrown tracks.
I would love to be happy again.
I would be happy to love again.
...alas, I feel so invisible, most days;
written off as unimportant.. or negative.. or Eeyore..
Or just another hyper-critical Virgo?
'Tis hard to say, "What should I say?"
'Tis hard to believe
That entertainment reigns supreme,
And if my stories bore you or confuse you,
Then my fate will be to speak to empty rooms.
The lingering thought, the past remark
That I'm just another autism spectrum,
With some narrow intelligence...
The confusion and bewilderment
That I'm still single, after all these years,
Because I refuse to play
Into those dating modes
That "everyone" claims to hate...
And I wax on and on,
Building another text wall,
And I leave the phone off
Because who **really** wants a 2 a.m. call?

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