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19 January 2019

# Nurture Gratitude for Our Presents

I'm fairly exhausted, and I have yet to prepare dinner. The stuff I have available for dinner is a mixed bag of things from friends' charity and food banks, and does not seem super appealing. Yet, ordering out is not an option, because money has been tight with the school's winter back (and corresponding lack of tutoring hours).
I think I will lie down for a bit, and hope that recharges me enough to make some sort of dinner later.
#CultivateGratitudeForWhatYouHave - there... let's try to get this hashtag viral, eh?

#CultivateGratitudeForWhatYouHave could also be taken as a command to others, as well as myself... (Stop focusing on the deficiencies, and be grateful for your life, as it is)
however, maybe it could be we instead of you - trying to build community and move away from a self-centered or blame-centered phrasing...
although I like cultivate, it does add a bit of extra typing...
could we revise this to
#GrowGratitudeForWhatWeHave ? Would that work better?
#NurtureGratitudeForWhatWeHave ..?
Or... instead of the possessive Have, it could be Own, pointing to a sense of acceptance, too? ...maybe something else... Our Gifts?
#NurtureGratitudeForOurPresents (because there's a touch of homonymic double meaning, with Presents rhyming with Presence)


Even though I am adept at mathematics, there is still much joy and wonder to be found in others' proofs and methods. When I'm typing, I can be rather poetic, or so some claim. I'm proud to call most of the people I interact with my friends, and I'm glad Texas still holds on to being the Friendly State.
I do not need a lot of material things, nor do I need to be overflowing with pop culture and other information - for this can better help me to be amazed when someone else tells their stories.
(perhaps more in a later post - I need not put up a text wall with every writing)

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