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17 January 2019

what are the financial stressors
that have me so upset?
a payday loan coming due,
on a zero dollar payday,
because there was no work
during the school's long winter break.
food stamps denied,
on a 3 months in 3 years rule -
saying i must work 20 hours or more,
and I have to claim 19 or less at work.
it was an unexpected loss of funding,
after being off and on food stamps for 10 years
medical insurance?
costing a pretty penny,
and left unattended -
now, it's suspended...
and i'm back on charity health care -
much more of a hassle than private practice.
rent, looming in the distance -
trying to get it together...
but that semester break created delays
besides - government help is delayed, too.
a bus pass, a phone bill -
and that make up my Spartan budget?
Oh, there's medical debt,
credit cards unpaid, too,
and student loans slung about my neck
like some stinky albatross.
It feels like expenses have been shaved down
To where the bone marrow of my budget is exposed,
And I'm fainting at the loss of blood,
And I'm fearful that I've lost any good life.
Another tangled treatise
Could ask, "why not, two jobs?"
"Why stay stuck in part-time tutoring?"
I'm feeling weary, though
So, I might try to tackle that,
When, next I wake at 3 a.m.

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