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15 November 2021

15 Nov 2013

 Kelly Aguirre gave me 10, Heather Watson suggested 8, and I'm still waiting on Emily Jane's number...

I'm lazy, and will just suggest that you try to come up with 9 facts about you. Then tag me if you'd like for me to see those facts; as it's sooo much easier to find posts with my name on them.
I checked the archives; and I've done a similar exercise in the past in my notes; I think it's titled "25 semi-random facts about me". It's a bit on the long side. So, I now give you "10 sentences about Jody Bean":
1) I graduated Salutatorian in a high school class of 117 or so; and my speech was well received.
2) It took me 14 years to complete a bachelor's degree in mathematics; as Austin is full of distractions.
3) I enjoy acting and singing, both as a creator and as a spectator...
4) I have been hospitalized 4 times, as a direct result of bipolar flare-ups, since 1996.
5) As a teenager, I was fairly active in the Catholic church; but, these days, I feel much more interested by Zen Buddhism and Taoism.
6) Since 1986, I have had at least 20 jobs; with my longest and most enjoyable job being a math tutor for 7 years
7) On the Myers-Briggs personality test, I usually am classified as an INTP, and I quite agree with the accompanying description, 'the architect of ideas'
😎 Some times, I just like to do Tarot readings, as some of the interpretations can get past my left-brain, linear, logical thinking.
9) I'm quite a games enthusiast; whether it's cards, board games, RPG's, computer games...
10) Living in the French House student housing cooperative from 1992-1996 was one of the best life experiences I've had.

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