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27 November 2021

27 Nov 2014

 It's another Thanksgiving in Austin, and I'm grateful to have lived here for the last 25 years. Although institutions have come and went, their influence is still felt - the permanence of impermanence, perhaps?

I am grateful for all of my friends through the years, and that I get to spend Thanksgiving with one "adopted family". I'm thankful that my own family gets to have a great Turkey Day shaping up...
I'm grateful there's folks I get to play board games with, friends I get to share life with (in Facebook land), and other activities opening before me.
I'm grateful that I have a job, that's not too stressful; and tutoring developing, too.
My brain feels sluggish - haven't been sleeping well, lately. Might go take a holiday nap... 😴😴

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