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09 September 2021

9 Sept 2018

 “The gift of desperation”...

- realizing I had nearly killed myself by intentional overdose in ‘98 (when untreated depression had far passed hopelessness)
- realizing addictions inevitably landed me in psych wards (manias gone wild, yay!)
- realizing alcoholism had gotten to the point where I was willing to drive drunk, because “it was most convenient”
- realizing that the 3-day road trip with my dad, an ex-smoker, would not go well if I tried to punctuate it with hourly cigarette breaks
- realizing that staying stuck in my old ways and thinking would just produce the same results...
So, did I become a Seeker? Or have I always been Seeker? Was I just seeking relief in the “sins” that other claimed gave them relief?

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