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18 September 2021

18 Sept 2017

 I don't know what I want or need, right this minute...

Part of me wants to eat, but I'm vaguely dissatisfied with what's in my kitchen.
Part of me wishes I had some savings, and all of my bills caught up - instead of this falling further and further behind. That could be my poor money management and poor career choices feeding off each other (or the bipolar)...
Part of me would like to be surrounded by friends, right now.... yet we are entering that no man's land of communication, called "the middle of the night"... I know there's an AA meeting at 10 p.m. just around the corner from my house but I feel like so unwanted at that club - such an outcast, such a pariah, so invisible... (That could be my magnifying mind, and yet... "No invites, calls outside of AA from them?")
I'm going to try to eat something out of the kitchen. I don't know if I'll call anyone - timing is bad.

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