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10 May 2021

10 May 2013

 "It is not the matter of giving that is in question, but when and how to give..."

Yep... pg. 98 just bubbled up in my brain - possibly due to my refusing meals after asking for help a couple of days earlier.
'Little bundle of contradictions'


  • Pieter Kirkham
    Do what I do, not what I say. Or is it the other way around? 😛
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  • Jody Bean
    I want to post a witty, yet insightful reply; and yet I do not want to post a theory of the moment without research...
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  • Jody Bean
    I think *I* pay more attention to others' actions, at least to see if they're true to their word...
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  • Jody Bean
    ...and yet, I'm only half-aware, at best, of my own actions, and if I'm following through with my commitments.
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  • Jody Bean
    Some lesson here in developing presence and/or "being impeccable with one's word" (4 agreements..)

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