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03 September 2021

3 Sept 2010

 Once again, I find myself ignoring the various facebook games I once played. "They're such a time sink, you see.." So, my Fishville fish are probably going to die, my Mafia Wars properties are going to get robbed, and yadda yadda yadda..

I'm not sure if I'll be logging on regularly to peruse everyone's various status updates, and, I suspect, in a week or a month or more, I'll check back in on those dusty games...

just found a nethack app on facebook.. on my trial run, level 1 had a fountain, sink, and a co-aligned altar, so I could become dangerous quick. }:)

finds it hard, at times, to spontaneously create a status update. "I'm not sure if my mind is a tranquil plain, or a clogged up traffic jam..."

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