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16 March 2021

16 March 2020

 some times i feel like number seven - so plain and ordinary, with no special abilities to call my own...

usually, those are the mundane days, when I worked and ate and slept... and had practically no interesting interactions with human creativity.
part of me wish that I had several weeks of Sunday comics to splice together, right now... to create one of my meandering comic stories. another part realizes that it is 1:51 a.m.; and I really should attempt to get some sleep before the alarm pulls me back into this mundane crawling...
i hope the dreams are interesting, tonight. moreover, i hope i remember my dreams, tonight. it would be nice to interpret some dreams, again...
it would be nice to be given an interesting coat, too; but the silver south by southwest rain slicker is not a bad coat to wear, either.

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