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24 March 2021

24 March 2020

 (This is not in response to "just the Corona Crisis")

My observation, from various media messages:
"Men need to be more open and honest with their feelings and emotions, in public."
Queue up my various attempts, over the years - "usually in my safe space of Facebook"...
Watch as all sorts of reactions unfold, and all sorts of hurt feelings from my counter-reactions...
My impressions, based on the above:
1) Men really are not allowed to get irrational or emotional, in public
2) I have to be aware of the white male privilege, that creates my knee-jerk reactions to argue every point, instead of gracefully accepting help.
3) It's real easy to alienate somebody, by revealing how different your inner minds work.
4) People (myself included) have a difficult time when others act against their expectations of how we should act, talk, or otherwise navigate societal mores...

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