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05 March 2021

5 March 2020

 My mood has been deteriorating, this week.

My mind is trying to magnify my faults and minimize my strengths. Then it turns that behavior onto the world.
Finding faults everywhere, I place myself in full flight mode. I lack the confidence to fight, because I found so many faults with myself.
Yet, I’m scared that I won’t try to flee in a healthy manner and that I won’t try to retreat to a “safe” position. I’ll lash out to drive people away. I’ll abandon my healthy commitments like I’m tossing out the baby with the bath water; because It’s like I’m managing my life with a flamethrower — burning it down to a level where I feel no anxiety. Yet, with each new retreat, with each new scorched earth, I still believe there are internal and external faults to be found in the ashes...
How far do I have to burn out before I feel comfortable again?

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