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04 March 2021

4 March 2018

 Am I enabled by the action or inaction of others? Do I need tough love... domination... some sort of discipline?

I do not know.
Is there one path, or many, to the mountaintop?
I'm very tired today. I grow weary. ...and I shiver alone, in the darkness, still questioning, "Who's to say that your liffe strategies are perfect? Who's to say that you see my life perfectly?"
I have second thoughts about posting this. I feel "vulnerability posts" (if that's even what this is) are branded as weak and petulent, leading to others unfriending and deriding.
I could journal it to myself, but then I would only have myself for feedback. Yet, honestly? Some times the feedback I get still hurts.
Some times, people brand me, "Eeyore - always complaining"
I am grateful for my friends, for my sobriety. Yet, I also question their judgements...?
Brain is fairly shut down. time to attempt sleep.

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