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17 April 2021

17 April 2020

 My mind is not very tired...

Perhaps it's racing,
And, given my bipolar past,
...that's not encouraging?
My heart wants to connect
With friends and family -
Perhaps to procrastinate,
By hearing a voice,
Other than my own?
so, yeah, the short burst phrasing,
that i try to pass off as poetic -
maybe it's been played out, too much...
maybe it's long past time
To Quiet the Brainstorms,
To Sift through their wreckage,
In the hopes of finding some truths...
Writing, as a medium
May not be my best communication.
After that burst, above,
I feel my mind dropping gears
And realizing that it is tired,
I balk at writing more,
Because I fear being branded a babbler...

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