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27 April 2021

27 April 2020

 So, I took a stroll down a friend's Facebook wall, going through the last 7 days of posts. They had posted a lot of memes (kind of like I do); but the comments were very few and far in between.

Curious, I went through my own posts from the last week - and noticed basically the same "lack of conversation(s)". Yes, there have been a couple of comments from a couple of people (who I greatly appreciate for commenting)... but, for the most part:
- less than 10 comments per post, with many posts uncommented
- less than 10 people making comments?
...I recall a comment, 4 years back, from Pat, saying "stop shit-posting". It makes more sense, now...
It's like Facebook is a grand "Show and Tell", or a Christmas catalog, devoid of content. Is it worth saving? Is it worth adding more empty electrons to?

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