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17 April 2021

skin concerns - 17 April 2019

 I’m watching my skin fall apart in a sort of slow motion:

- rashes, blisters, pimples, foot skin drying out...
With the amount of time, I’ve spent walking under the Texas sun, I fear that it could be early stages of skin cancer. Another part of me wonders if some of the discomfort is a side effect of the blood pressure, like signs that blood is just coming out in odd places, as blisters...
I also wonder, if I might be carrying an over-abundance of mites or fleas or fungus or maybe just poison ivy...
Yet, I’m still uncertain about my insurance options; making me highly hesitant to go see a doctor. Which could well be “killing myself slowly through my own neglect”
It feels so sad to think I’m so trapped.

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