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25 April 2021

25 April 2019

 I'm confused about my physical health treatment options, at the present moment.

- I believe the insurance I signed up for on healthcare.gov has been cancelled, because I could never scrape together a payment.
- On the first reading of the basic insurance offered by Sprouts, that feels like a "healthy person's bare minimum"... it read like there were only 3 doctor's visits allowed per year at $60 co-pays each
- When I tried to get on the MAP program, I was told that I was above their income limits...
I find myself worried that I'm developing skin cancer, that my joints are falling apart, and that I'm quickly heading towards various diseases of the heart.
I do not enjoy suffering long-term pain. I wonder if I'm avoiding the doctor out of cost concerns, or if I've lost all desire to care for my health.
I also do not like trying to navigate health care choices on my own. I do not want to try to make sense of the confusing maze of doctor's fees, insurance co-pays, and insurance premiums
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