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10 August 2021

10 August 2019

 A desire to post something positive and uplifting, yet I keep getting dragged back into awareness of my pain and suffering.

I see a world falling apart around me, as people struggle to make ends, sometimes in two or more jobs. The news tells me of violence, near and abroad, and my first reaction is to curl up in a virtual fetal position.... i want to block out everyone's anger and frustrations. I don't want to see you all suffer.
Yet, I also do not want you to lie to me with forced gratitudes or gas=lighting denials.
I should just shut up, and attempt to get some sleep. I would like to wish for a saner world. Yet, caught up in this feedback loop where your pain reminds me of my pain, and my pain steals bits and pieces of my serenity. signing off for the night...

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