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11 August 2021

11 August 2019

 today, I spent the day at board game bash, playing a variety of games. I spent more money than I was planning around, on hotel food and a good flea market find....

Being broke until Friday is stirring up my fears and resentments. Which I don't like having to try to deflate....
I have non-perishable food in the pantry, I'm caught up on my essential bills...
i'm also reminded of how impermanent our connections with each other can be. i want to rail against my perceptions of the world, i want to drop my tact and troll away... i want to scream at both the positive vibes and the negative vibes...
i don't understand what's going on, in my head. the wise thing would be to attempt to fall asleep, and push "all of that" back outside of my hula hoop. so, that's what i will attempt...

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