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14 July 2021

14 July 2018

 (an attempt to "shock and awe")

...or provoke some response...
blinded to the attention given in the last 48 hours...
the compliments, the good words, the salutations, the gifts
banging the square peg into the round hole, and demanding that "life turns around, and blankets me in wealth and security" - perhaps a mid-life crisis, perhaps a fear grown too large...
perhaps sinking into a quagmire of perceived fails, suffocating at the confinements they create - drowning in my discontent(S)
I do not think that I need the Sun and the Moon, but Betelgeuse might be ripe enough now. I do have a satchel, too, and could probably find a towel near at hand...
waxing dramatic or poetic or "who knows?" ...because I can't pin down the thing(s) that are driving me insane.
Just give me "more"...?

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