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05 August 2021

5 August 2019

 So, this makes me pause, as I have caused harm by my words, especially online and via text, over the past few years. (I even want to minimize that, by pointing at my past history with Christmas cards...)

Still, I question if I have to back-pedal on those harmful turns of phrase, particularly when they are "attempts to correct" - i.e. attempts to point out what I believe may be harmful attitudes or behaviors in others.
No, I am not always right, and I am quite willing to try to repair damage caused when I later recognize my wrongs. However, I am also not "always wrong", too.
Is there **always** a kinder, softer way to express ideas, so that no harm is caused? If not, am I willing to accept the pain that I will cause others, and possibly myself, by trying to exert my opinions upon the world? (Does that make sense? I do not know. I may be arguing out of a theoretical standing, instead of concrete evidence. I may also be hurting my argument, by babbling on, so...)

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