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02 June 2021

2 June 2018

 Holding on to my phone, thinking it’s a life preserver...

I will attempt sleep again.
I’m terrified of the next month, and I fear that anxiety could be the literal death of me.
I wish I was financially stable. I wish I had the discipline to obtain and maintain a career, where I’m happy and able to pay all my bills. I wish I didn’t beat myself up so, because that has not happened.
I say that I don’t want responses, because I don’t want to be lectured, or chided, or attacked. Part of the motivation of this post is “just to get it out of my fucking mind”... besides, it might be better for me to call you - who I trust - and not shamed on Facebook... because we talk differently, here.
First, to sleep. Hopefully, to awake, back into life...

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