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27 June 2021

27 June 2019

 I do not claim to be available 24/7. For one, I am useless without decent sleep. For another, I have obligations in the world to meet, like working for my employer(s).

I do not claim to be diligent about using every channel of communication, every minute. There are times when the phone needs to be turned off, or the world of man needs to be tuned out.
Even if you can reach me, in a spare moment, I claim very little expertise. I can not swing baseball statistics at you; and most popular culture is woefully unpopular to me. The affairs of the Far East are far from my perusal, and the actions of politicians seem so unaffected by my daily walks and talks.
Yet, I wish to be gentle; and I hope to be humble. My creative soul cringes at rampant destruction. With the various pitfalls in my past, I wish to hold the torch, so that you need not pass that way.
I would not sacrifice all, yet I am still willing to make sacrifices.
I am not at your beck and call, yet let us talk on topics, great and small...
"When joy is shared, it doubles. When misery is shared, it is halved."

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