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30 June 2021

30 June 2020

 30 June 2020 - Three present-day gratitudes:

1) I started a project with my damaged posters, to try to remove the damage. These are mostly relics from when I worked a poster sale in '92, and got paid in posters. Over the years, they and some of my other possessions have been slowly dispersing across the houses I've lived in. I'm glad that I finally started the repairs, as I've been thinking about it for months now.
2) On a related note, I began looking into more professional development workshops at ACC. Part of it is because the 4 mandatory trainings need to be renewed by the end of the summer. However, I'm also glad that I have options to stay productive when students appear to be avoiding the new online tutoring format.
3) I tried some of the homemade pickles today, and they're getting pretty spicy. On a lark, I also tried some pickles with peanut butter - it's interesting. I don't know if I'd rush out to do it again. In some ways, I think I'm getting bored with my food at home.

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