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29 June 2021

29 June 2020

 The physical isolation is really starting to wear on my sanity. It may sound cliche, but I miss the hugs.

I miss a variety in conversations, informal and formal. I really miss the subtle cues in conversation, that there's a good moment to talk.
I miss exploring the neighborhoods around me, and finding new restaurants.
Someone more eloquent than I could probably flesh the absences out to a nice, meaty post - and then add that tag line we all dread: "copy and share if you agree!"
An irritation rises and falls in me - some nights I'm at peace, while others I just want to peel myself out of my skin.
My eyes and ears feel so very tired, while my skin is literally erupting as it seeks solace.
I'm glad that there's been conversations by phone, by text, by Zoom, and by social media; yet I'm sad at how empty all these electronics leave me. So many ghosts in the machine, such temporary and tenuous connections...
It's like I'm caged in a zoo, and all of you are just passing visitors - So many that I doubt i will see again. Where, oh where, are the zookeepers? Who could comfort this monkey, I?

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