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24 June 2021

24 June 2020

 3 gratitudes from today, 24 June 2020:

1) I found the soundtrack to "Akira" (anime) and listened to it in its entirety. I did not realize how much I missed it. I now have a 50 track playlist on youtube playing, involving artist "Geinoh Yamashirogumi" to fall asleep to, tonight...
2) Even though I planned a lot of activities around the house, today; I did not accomplish more than 1/3 of them. I'm still relatively Ok with this. It reminds me not to overplan my days.
3) I'm going to attempt to fall asleep early, tonight. It's useful to find a consistent schedule, and I feel that I've been slipping on maintaining that.
(This might be me trying to spin the day as gratitudes when really it didn't feel very invigorating or joyful. Or it could be me, trying to be a cynic, refusing to recognize the small things, like seeing the wolf spider between my window panes during the noon AA meeting. My mind wants to look for extremes.
I recall that Tanya got frustrated with Neil, because he overlooked flowers. (1992) )

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