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20 October 2021

20 Oct 2019

 I'm at the start of 3 weeks on a tight financial budget - or at least that's what I'm projecting into the future.

When I do not have a lot of money, I get twisted up, all sorts of ways, mentally. Past experiences over the last 10 years hammer this point home, all too well.
Yet I'm loathe to ask for any help, because I fear people attaching strings to their help (or even rescinding it) and I want to recognize that everyone else has their own financial struggles that they deal with, too. Also, I am well aware of government and church programs that are freely accessible to me, if I can find the time to access them.
I just do not like the personal stress that I see coming over the horizon.
I wish we did not live in a "welfare world". I wish there were not so many costly demands upon my budget. I wish peace and prosperity upon all...

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